Friday, November 26, 2010

Hello You - Emily Taylor - The Butterfly Club

Emily Taylor appeared in the room looking elegant in a sparkly blue dress. Opening with a little song and an insult thrown at the accompanist in a jovial way. The real performance began when she started talking. Her skills as an actor far surpass her skills as a songstress. The show could have been run entirely without songs, even if they did serve as tenuous link between topics in the banter. Aside from the singing the stories and skits performed were hilarious. A lovely little snapshot into the idiosyncrasies of the human experience. Those bizarre childhood moments of misunderstanding, the confusion that only comes with old age. The show was filled with almost believable moments that could possibly have happened outside of the cabaret stage, but probably didn’t. It was all the more believable in the intimacy of the fifty seat Butterfly Club theatre. The intimacy of “Hello You” is the main attraction, it might not have worked in a larger theatre, the ten or so people in the audience were truly taken on a peculiar and personal journey with Taylor that was delightful, frightening and at times heart-wrenching. Especially when she was spraying water into her own mouth. Her strength really shone through during the improvised sections of the show. Taylor is a powerful actor however lost her power while singing, and disappointingly ended her act with a song.

Venue: Very appropriate for this show. The Butterfly Club is often a favourite.
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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